| Veiled Chameleons are among the most popular chameleon species kept as pets. This is a beautiful large species of chameleon that has fascinating behaviors. Chameleons require daily care and are considered higher maintenance than many other reptiles. Veiled Chameleons are a good choice for beginning chameleon hobbyists, yet are challenging for a beginning reptile keeper. Captive bred Veiled Chameleons are readily available and are always recommended over wild caught animals. - Common Name:Veiled Chameleon
- Scientific Name: Chamaeleo calyptratus
- Distribution: Saudi Arabia, Yemen &
surrounding areas. - Size: 8-18″
- Life Span: Males: 6-8 yr,
Females: 4-6 yr
- Zoo Med’s Reptibreeze® Open Air Screen Cages are the perfect match for Veiled Chameleons.
- The Iguanarium® is an excellent choice for adult Veiled Chameleons.
- Provide plenty of climbing branches and broad leaf plants to create cover and climbing opportunities.
- Be sure that any live plants being used are non-toxic because Veiled Chameleons will occasionally eat plants.
- Offer branches of varying sizes to help your growing chameleon develop a strong grip.
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HEATING | - Daytime Terrarium Temperature: 72-80° F
- Basking Spot: 85-90°F Nighttime Temperature: Above 50°F
- Zoo Med’s Basking Spot
Lamp™, PowerSun® and Repti Halogen™ Lamps are great choices for heating chameleon enclosures. - Chameleons prefer a drop in temperature at night, we recommend a low wattage heat bulb such as a Nightlight Red or Nocturnal Infrared Heat Lamp.
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LIGHTING | - UVB Lighting is essential for chameleons to process calcium in captivity.
- Zoo Med’s ReptiSun® 5.0 or
10.0 Linear or Compact Fluorescent Lamps are a great choice for providing chameleons with UVB. The PowerSun® is an excellent way to provide both UVB and Heat all in one lamp! - Without UVB lighting chameleons will develop serious health problems such as Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD).
- UVB Lighting should be left on for 10-12 hours per day and turned off at night.
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SUBSTRATES | - Cage carpeting such as Zoo
Med’s Eco Carpet™ is the easiest substrate to maintain chameleons on. - It is strongly recommended
that hatchling chameleons are not kept on any type of loose substrate. Eco Carpet™ is the safest and cleanest choice for young chameleons. - ReptiBark®, Forest Floor™, and Eco Earth® can be used as a nesting substrate for adults. Provide a nest box with at least 4″ of substrate in all enclosures that house adult females.
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NUTRITION | - Veiled Chameleons are
insectivorous animals and will require a varied diet of insects. - Insects such as crickets and
mealworms are a good staple diet. We recommend “gut-loading” your feeder insects with Cricket Care™ prior to feeding your animals. - Zoo Med’s ReptiCalcium® and
ReptiVite™ with Vitamin D should be added to food as directed. Calcium and multi-vitamins are critical to keeping your growing chameleon healthy and active. - Veiled Chameleons occasionally
will eat leafy greens if offered. - Feed Daily and remove all uneaten insects from the
enclosure after feedings.
| | WATER | - Veiled Chameleons prefer to drink or lap water from leaves. This can be replicated in captivity by offering a drip system or
a misting system. - Zoo Med offers several products that will allow you to provide your
chameleon with water. The Big Dripper™ will allow you to drip water onto leaves from above the cage. - The Habba Mist® will provide a scheduled misting of your terrarium.
- Always add ReptiSafe™ Water Conditioner to your tap water to remove Chlorine and Chloramines.
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